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This is Dr. Israel Regardie’s classic and a final testament to the Golden Dawn. It is the master compilation of the magical teachings of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn of which Israel Regardie was an initiated Adept. The material in this book is a highly improved version of the ground breaking material in the four-volume set by Dr. Regardie that revolutionized the Occult world in the late 1930s. It includes the Order’s instructions in Ritual Magic, Invocation, Tarot, Qabalah, Enochian, Astrology, Kabbalah, Esoteric Doctrine and more, along with the Order’s Initiation Rituals.

Only 50 copies were produced of this special edition, and each is individually hand numbered. This new edition includes a Foreword by David Cherubim. With an Appendix by the ceremonial magician Lon Milo DuQuette. It also includes a complete Index and detailed Table of Contents, compiled by James Strain, to assist readers in their Golden Dawn studies as well as new material by Chic and Tabatha Cicero.

“Beautifully illustrated throughout, with many color plates, The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic is the easiest edition to study. An essential text in any library of magical works.” –Christopher S. Hyatt, Founder of New Falcon and student of Israel Regardie

“As a writer, Regardie has long been hailed as one of the most coherent proponents of Western magic. His work is refreshingly humble and honest: he is able to convey difficult, abstract concepts with clarity and openness to inquiry. Never one to talk down to readers, he focuses instead on the patient teaching of esoteric knowledge: his warm style coaxes readers toward further investigation. He invites the reader to join him in the journey on the Path of Light. And it was through Regardie’s writings that we began our own Rosicrucian adventure.”
–Chic and Tabatha Cicero


Sanity, humanity and magick: In the fields of psychology and occultism these three virtues seldom appear in a single commentator. Dr. Regardie is the rare and brilliant exception. I was privileged to know him in his final years, and am delighted his work will continue to enlighten serious seekers for generations to come.
Lon Milo DuQuette
If you need a review you are not a serious student of Magic.
Dr. Christopher S. Hyatt
Without Regardie, the Golden Dawn would have perished in the flames of history.
David Cherubim
As a writer, Regardie has long been hailed as one of the most coherent proponents of Western magic. His work is refreshingly humble and honest; he is able to convey difficult, abstract concepts with clarity and openness to inquiry.
Chic and Tabatha Cicero
Regardie believes this knowledge was old when the Egyptians built their first temples and this wisdom blends smoothly into the pattern of the earliest recorded human knowledge
Colin Wilson
Sanity, humanity and magick: In the fields of psychology and occultism these three virtues seldom appear in a single commentator. Dr. Regardie is the rare and brilliant exception. I was privileged to know him in his final years, and am delighted his work will continue to enlighten serious seekers for generations to come.
Lon Milo DuQuette
If you need a review you are not a serious student of Magic.
Dr. Christopher S. Hyatt

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Israel Regardie (1907-1985) is a crucial figure in the development of modern occultism. At the age of 21 he travelled to Europe to work as Alester Crowley’s secretary, a period he writes about in his perceptive and sympathetic biography of the Beast, Dr. Israel Regardie’s Definitive Work on Alester Crowley The Eye in the Triangle, New Falcon Publications, First Edition 2017, with a foreword by James Wasserman and an introduction by Lon Milo DuQuette. This work describes (and is written inspite of) their dramatic falling out which culminated in Crowley writing anonymously to every one whom Regardie knew or might come into contact with alleging all manner of extreme personal faults, no doubt intended to be as hurtful as possible. Regardie’s commitment to magick and spiritual advancement continued unabated.

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