Israel Regardie
| November 12, 2014
Israel Regardie (1907-1985) is a crucial figure in the development of modern occultism. At the age of 21 he travelled to Europe to work as Alester Crowley’s secretary, a period he writes about in his perceptive and sympathetic biography of the Beast, Dr. Israel Regardie’s Definitive Work on Alester Crowley The Eye in the Triangle, New Falcon Publications, First Edition 2017, with a foreword by James Wasserman and an introduction by Lon Milo DuQuette. This work describes (and is written inspite of) their dramatic falling out which culminated in Crowley writing anonymously to every one whom Regardie knew or might come into contact with alleging all manner of extreme personal faults, no doubt intended to be as hurtful as possible. Regardie’s commitment to magick and spiritual advancement continued unabated.
He joined the Stella Matutina, a continuation of the Golden Dawn. As the operations of this group faltered Regardie came into possession of the Order’s papers. Starting in 1937, Regardie published them so that the system would be preserved forever. Hand in hand with his magickal activities Regardie explored Freudian, Jungian and Reichian psychoanalysis, and became a practitioner. For Regardie, magickal endeavour had to interface with spiritual awakening and psychological development.
Regardie authored nearly a dozen original and substantial books, many of which were first issued in the 1930s. To name a few: A Garden of Pomegranates – An Outline of the Qabalah, New Falcon Publications, First Edition 2019. The Tree of Life – A Study in Magic, New Falcon Publications, First Edition 2017. The Philosopher’s Stone – A Modern Comparative Approach to Alchemy from the Psychological and Magic Points of View, with an introduction by Brian Cotnoir, New Falcon Publications, First Edition 2018. My Rosicrucian Adventure – A Contribution to A Recent Phase of The History of Magic and A Study in the Technique of Theurgy, New Falcon Publications, Third Revised Edition 2017. The Middle Pillar, New Falcon Publications, Second Printing 2020.
He worked to make the Golden Dawn system available and understandable to a new generation with new revised editions of The Golden Dawn and original works drawing upon the system in the 1960s, 70s and 80s. His transmission of the Golden Dawn system went beyond just communication of information about the system, he also acted as ritual initiator permitting others the reactivation of the Order.
When the Rosicrucians of old announced themselves to the world in 1614, they described their primary mission as healing. Dr. Israel Regardie remained true to that purpose. He wrote several books on healing, thereby distinguishing himself from most other practitioners of the Western esoteric tradition–at least those working within the Golden Dawn/Thelemic magical currents he so eloquently promulgated in his numerous writings.
In 1938, his classic work The Middle Pillar was published. In addition to its Qabalistic and magical teachings, this early book focused on the relationship between magick and analytical psychology. He also gave clear instructions for the aura-cleansing Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, and extensively discussed the Middle Pillar ritual’s efficacy for health and healing–as well as for magical development.
Regardie wrote Be Yourself: The Art of Relaxation in 1938, which is now part of the Small Gem Series, titled The Body-Mind Connection – A Path to Wellbeing, New Falcon Publications, First Edition 2018.
Regardie presents text and analysis of three major alchemical works, approached symbolically, using the symbol systems and viewpoints of magic and psychology. The objective of alchemical study has been described poignantly by Dr. Israel Regardie. Like modern psychological methods, the alchemical formulae have as their goal the creation of a whole man, a fully integrated individual. Not only does alchemy envisage a person whose several constituents of consciousness are united, but with the characteristic thoroughness of all occult and magical methods, it proceeds a stage further. Alchemy aspires toward the development of a free and illuminated psyche. It is here that it parts company with orthodox psychology. It is here that Dr. Regardie’s insights shine. The clarity and elegance of the author’s style, and the precision and depth of his thought, make The Philosopher’s Stone an important and meaningful experience for every person who aspires to personal development and wholeness.
This is Dr. Regardie’s classic and a final testament to the Golden Dawn. It is the master compilation of the magical teachings of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn of which Israel Regardie was an initiated Adept. The material in this book is a highly improved version of the ground breaking material in the four-volume set by Dr. Regardie that revolutionized the Occult world in the late 1930s. It includes the Order’s instructions in Ritual Magic, Invocation, Tarot, Qabalah, Enochian, Astrology, Esoteric Doctrine and more, along with the Order’s Initiation Rituals: The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic, Book I and Book II, New Falcon Publications, First Limited Editions 2019.
Only 50 copies were produced of these special editions, and each is individually hand numbered. This new edition includes a foreword by David Cherubim. It also includes a complete index and detailed table of contents, compiled by James Strain, to assist readers in their Golden Dawn studies. There is new material by Chic and Tabatha Cicero, S. Jason Black, Dr. Jack Willis and an appendix by the ceremonial magician Lon Milo DuQuette.
The three volumes are filled with the rich wisdom and deep knowledge of Israel Regardie. These books contain the best of Regardie’s introductions to his and other author’s books spanning the decades of his career. Volume I – Selected Introductions, Prefaces and Forewords, New Falcon Publications, First Edition 2018. Volume II – Selected Essays and Commentaries, New Falcon Publications First Edition 2018. Volume III – Selected Articles, Introductions, Prefaces and Forewords, New Falcon Publications First Edition 2020. These never before published compilations allows the reader to gain breadth and depth into many of Regardie’s writings, thoughts and philosophies.
The Small Gems series includes 5 books by Israel Regardie. They are beautifully designed and are a handsome size of 5″ x 7″. Which makes these wonderful gifts. The titles are A Practical Guide to Geomantic Divination, The Art and Meaning of Magic, How to Make and Use Talismans, The Body-Mind Connection, a Path to Wellbeing and Attract and Use Healing Energy.